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Re: HIGH oil pressure

Subject: Re: HIGH oil pressure
From: (Robert Jones)
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 92 09:56:17 EDT
From: (Scotty Paisley)

[stuff about TR-6 high oil pressure deleted]

|> The setup now is like this:
|>   ----------|  <-- the relief valve
|>   [[========   <-- the spring sitting on some "thing" in the bolt.
|>                   (I can't get the "thing" out of there)
|> Should it be like this(?):
|>   ----------|  <-- the relief valve
|>   ==========   <-- the spring sitting on the back of the hollow bolt.

Hey for the first time in two years on this list, someone posts about
a problem I've had before and fixed!  Earlier this summer, I had exactly
the same problem as you, only in my MGB.  It turned out the cause was
a PO had put a nut inside the relief valve that acted as a stop for
the spring.  I was able to get it out however.  I would just get a new
one if the are readily availible and not too expensive.

|> If that thing in the bolt isn't supposed to be there, how can I get it
|> out?  (Buy a new bolt?)  I'm sure this high oil pressure is putting a
|> bit of extra stress on my seals, but other than that, am I hurting
|> anything?  It's not leaking anywhere...  (Heck with that much oil
|> pressure, I doubt my crank is even touching the bearings.  :-)

I was warned that the oil filter could be blown out through the hood
if the pressure was too high.  

|> Ta ta for now....
|> ---
|> >From the point of ignition, To the final drive.
|> The point of the journey is not to arrive.  Anything can happen. --Rush
|> -Scott

Bob Jones

p.s. The B still has the same old problems (missing/backfiring/etc) I think
it is finally headed for professional help.  Sigh.

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