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Re: non-hardening gasket sealers

Subject: Re: non-hardening gasket sealers
From: Teriann J. Wakeman <>
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 92 08:16:58 -0700
I too use Ultra Blue RTV.  I have used it for several years now. I have never
opened anything & found a broken pice. When it dries, it forms a strong
rubber. I think a paper gasket is as likely to break. The engine is the only
place I can think of that a free flowing rubber chunk could cause problems.
The only problem that could happen is blocking an internal oil passage.
To get to the oil passage, the partical needs to get through the screen
filter at the input of the oil pump, then after the partical screen, it
would need to get through the oil filter before it can get into the oil
passages.  My advice, apply it properly and worry about how you are going
to get your snake painted. Let the oil pump screen and oil filter worry about
the very small possibility of a pice of Ultra blue RTV breaking off.

PS the TR is home!!

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