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This Yes All British Day on the Green (Palo Alto)

Subject: This Yes All British Day on the Green (Palo Alto)
Date: Wed Sep 02 22:05:12 PDT 1992
Last february when I found out where the Nyquists live, I half
jokingly told Dick that there would be a party at his house
the night before this years british car show.  I recently got
mail from him saying that he thinks that a party is a pretty 
good idea, but he doesn't have time to organize it.

What follows is what passes for organization for the party.
Also, since I didn't organize a birthday party convenient
for a certain group of my friends last year, they threw a party
for me, at my house, when they knew I'd be out of town, and of
course didn't invite me.   In self defense, I am declaring
this to also be my 1992 birthday party (being within a week
after my b-day).

Pre-All BDOG party
The night before this years All British Day On the Green there
will be a party at the Nyquists.  Why there? Why then?  
Because they live practically within walking distance of the
park, and it is a good excuse to get together with other 
net car nuts.
Here is what passes for the plan:
Saturday night, show up 7:30 ish.
Bring stuff to eat and drink.
I am sure that one of Dicks Webers is configured for burning
charcoal rather than gas, and could be made available.
If you want to stay the night, 
bring a sleeping bag.
Sunday morning, wake up early enough to grab a bite
to eat on the way to the park.
Rochelle just asks that the place be left in no worse
shape than it was found.
Turn off highway 280 in Menlo Park on Alpine road.
Head north-east ( away from the hills, tward the bay) The road
curves around and goes through an intersection with a traffic light.
A few hundred feet later It goes through a second intersection with
a light. At this second light the name of the street changes from
Alpine to SantaCruz ave.
Proceed straight (you are crossing Sand Hill rd).
A couple of blocks further on Santa Cruz there is a fork in the road
with a third traffic light.
Santa Cruz ave bears right at the fork.
La casa de Nyquist is 1/2 block further on the right.
The address is 2021 Santa Cruz.
The Phone number is (415)854-6702

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