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re: TR7 rotors (and other elliptical shapes)

Subject: re: TR7 rotors (and other elliptical shapes)
From: (sohl,william h)
Date: 2 Sep 1992 11:22 EDT
>After a visit to my favorite mechanic, with my favorite car ('78 TR7), I 
>came away with a question that some of you may be able to help with...
>my brake rotors are out of round.  Hmm.  I put on remanufactured calipers
>sometime this spring, and a new rotor on one corner.  Problematic, but the
>real question is that the mechanic (who is not a true lbc guy, but very
>good, honest, experienced and cheap) told me that his references say to
>discard the rotors at .373 inches, that mine were .377 and .333(!).  
>The Bentley reprint of shop manual says the rotor should be .375 .  Was

OK, now I'm all for safety, but I really doubt that a rotor that is
.04 less than the manual says will make that much difference in
the majority of driving situations.  If the brakes on the Spitfire
are working OK (Do they feel OK?  When braking, is there any 
noticable pulsations felt on the brake pedal?)  If not, then I'd
leave the rotors alone as long as you don't plan on entering any
long distance endurance races.

Just my .02 on the subject, having driven many cars with scored rotors,

Bill Sohl (K2UNK) BELLCORE (Bell Communications Research, Inc.)
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