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Speaking of weird cars (was Re: Hillman source )

To: (John Lye)
Subject: Speaking of weird cars (was Re: Hillman source )
From: Scott Fisher <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 92 15:40:01 PDT
Hey, if I were in the San Francisco Bay Area and I wanted to buy
parts for, say, a Rover 20000TC, where would I start?  I know
about O'Connor (and in fact that's where I'd start), and I'd
probably ask Anthony and Branden Fryer for advice too, but it
never hurts to know more than one source.

For that matter, can anyone recommend a good source of mail-order
parts for the Rover line?

And no, I don't have this car yet.  BUT...

This morning I had to make a bank run, so Kim took Torrey to school.
When I got in to work, I had a voicemail message from Kim saying,
"Call me so I can tell you about this really cool Rover I saw
yesterday."  Beep-beep-beep...

"So tell me about this really cool Rover you saw yesterday," I said
when she answered.

"Well, it looks sort of like a cross between an older Fiat sedan, big
and somewhat boxy, and an MG 1100.  I only saw it as it flashed by, and
my eyes sort of said, `Hey, this is something you want to look at.'  I
saw that it was a Rover, a T5 or something..."

"Probably a P5," I said.  "Go on..."

"Anyway, it's British Racing Green -- *real* British Racing Green --
and it has a For Sale sign in the back window."

"Oh, my," I said.  "Any price on it?"

"I just saw it zip past as I was leaving Torrey's school yesterday
afternoon, I didn't get a number or a price on it."

So I went through a little bit of Rover coolness (weird front suspension,
turbine-engined prototype Le Mans racer, semiluxury market, etc.) and 
then I asked The Question.

"So you liked it, huh?"

"Oh, yeah," she said.  "It looked like the ideal Fisher Family Car,"
she said.

Not an hour later I saw it myself.  Turns out it's not a P5; she'd been
right about the T but wrong about the digit -- it's a 2000 TC.  This
one appears to be in good shape, with a fabric sunroof that has seen
better days on top of a body with good paint and which appears to be in
possession of all its trim.  I got the number and called, left word on
their answering machine.  Haven't heard back yet.

So if all goes well, anybody wanna buy a '65 Chevelle SS or an'84 GTI? :-)


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