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Re: SOL Logos - The Continuing Saga

Subject: Re: SOL Logos - The Continuing Saga
From: pwv@tc.fluke.COM (Pat Vilbrandt)
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 92 21:35:55 PDT
I've collected and sorted the numerous replies to my bold offer for SOL
regalia.  Here is the breakdown:

12  decal
9   polo
5   t-shirt
3   badge
2   patch
2   anything
1   everything
1   transfer
1   phaser-transfer
1   (PostScript file)
1   (GIF file)
1   tattoo
1   Satin Jackets, lapel pins, tie tacks, SOL watches, cloisnee key fobs,
    pens, bracelt charms, and tatoos all come to mind. :-}
1   Earrings, Key Fobs, Bheer Mugs, Tie bars/tacks, Wind Breakers, and 
    those neat watches you always see advertised in in-flight magazines :-).  
1   condom

    (Refrigerator Magnets!!  Dammit!  Must I think of Everything!!  :^)

Interesting that decals were the most mentioned item.   Also that most of the
shirt people preferred Polo Shirts to T's.  (You people have class!!)

Zo, what to do next?  Shirts have a somewhat limited appeal, and the investment
per item is pretty high, in case one gets left with inventory once the demand 
is filled.  What about decals ...

A few phone calls later, and I have in my hands a FAX for:

        3" x 4" 4 color offset print, flood solvent resistant coat 
        on permanent white vinyl.  Scored back.  Rounded corners.
        Knifecut to size.

I can get 50 of these made up for $250, or 100 for $270.  I figure I could
order 100, and offer them for $4.00/ea. (so as not to be fully exposed
should I be left holding a lot of decals in the end) plus $0.50 per order S&H.

If this were to work out well, then I'd consider making up some shirts.

So, do 3" x 4" adhesive vinyl decals for $4 sound reasonable??

(Ed, I haven't heard from you.  What do you think of all this nonsense??)

Also, I haven't heard (from mjb?) whether it would be 'all right' to put
`' at the bottom of the decals??

   Pat Vilbrandt       John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc.        Everett, Washington USA
UUCP: pwv@tc.fluke.COM  or: { uunet, uw-beaver, sun, microsoft }!fluke!pwv
ARPA: fluke!pwv@uw-beaver.ARPA

P.S.  I got reply's from: Sat May 30 10:20:31 1992 Sat May 30 10:20:36 1992 Sat May 30 10:20:37 1992 Mon Jun  1 06:22:44 1992 Mon Jun  1 10:22:49 1992 Mon Jun  1 10:23:20 1992 Mon Jun  1 10:23:43 1992
     georgeb@apd.MENTORG.COM Mon Jun  1 10:24:24 1992
     ccm! Mon Jun  1 19:31:53 1992

for my request to turn a TIFF file of the SOL logo into a GIF file.  Cory
Carpenter won the lottery and got the honors.  I will up-load Cory's GIF
file to my PC and check it out tonight.  Cory said that his filter pack
only found 2 colors in the TIFF file.  If this is the case, I may have to
try out something else - got to have it in full color to appreciate it

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