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To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: This list
From: (Dale C. Cook)
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1992 15:49:21 EST
The thing that often makes newsgroup reading easier than mailing list
reading is just the software available as newreaders.

If everyone had a good digest reader program, they could follow the
threads that interest them and delete en masse the ones that don't.
Given that Mark has the software to automagically build the digest,
he would only have to take care of adds + deletes (not that bad, says
the man with experience).

So... how's about we poll the house, and you use your network connections,
to find good digest unpacking software.  I imagine we'll need unix-based
and maybe PC or Mac too.

As a dial-in reader, thank you Encore!, I would miss NO interaction, as
I only get my mail once a day or so anyway.  But for the rest of you, 
would that 24 hour delay matter?  We could still discuss points "in real
time"... hell, when I was working I didn't have time to review my hobby
mail more than once a day anyway.

I was, speaking personally now, rather upset by the flames over the ill-
thought political comments.  This group has never had flames, never had
to remove anyone, etc.  Please, please, can't we just share our brit car
thoughts here and leave all the rest to rec.ninny.bashing?

        - Dale, still the founder

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