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TR6 purchase, questions

To: sol@hoosier
Subject: TR6 purchase, questions
From: flake@prdmgt.columbiasc.NCR.COM
Date: 3 Oct 91 08:56:59 EDT
Well gang, I finally did it.  After over two years of thinking,
talking, reading, and drooling, I finally put my money where my
mouth was and bought a British Car!

Its a '72 TR-6.  It's in what I would term "partially restored / very
good original" condition.  It's an early '72 unit (commission CC75128
for those who care) with a claimed ~65K miles.  Unfortunately the
odometer is broke at ~64K and the title is stuck with the "odometer
discrepency" flag forever and ever.  Has been repainted red (orig
was burgundy), has had top replaced, and has what seems to be
original tan interior.  Engine has been rebuilt and seems to run
pretty well.

All is not roses though.  While drivable, it needs some work of 
course, and I have a few questions -- as might be expected.
Any help is appreciated.

1)  Brakes - master cylinder
    Car sat for about a year, and previous owner warned me of bad
    seals in master cylinder.  Braking is interesting now!  My question
    regards rebuild kits.  TRF's catalog says rebuild kits are
    rather expensive and that the unit often doesn't respond well
    to rebuilding.  The log with the car says a rebuild kit was
    installed two owners back.  What do you think of trying another
    kit vs a complete new master cylinder?  I'm sure the best analysis
    would be to remove the current unit, and inspect it for (??) before
    making that decision.  Complete unit certainly would be easier, but
    at $100+ difference I'm willing to do a bit more work!

2)  U-Joints on axles
    I read with casual interest the saga of changing U-joints posted
    here a few weeks ago without thinking I'd have to tackle it myself
    anytime soon.  Could someone who saved this please mail me a
    copy?  Workshop manual makes it look simple enough, but any
    helpful hints or gotchas would be great.  Should replacing the
    rubber coverings be standard procedure (they appear to be in
    pretty good shape)?

3+) And on and on
    But I'll save them for another time.

Joe Flake, N4BGQ

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