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ignition switch and hood probs

Subject: ignition switch and hood probs
From: (Todd Stepp)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 18:06:34 PDT
Well,  this is one of those problems that pops up everyonce in a while.

First, the ignition switch on the 79 MGB accepts the key but doesn't 
always want to turn.  With a lot of wiggling a cursing it turn and
off I go.   Any suggestions?  The switch was replaced in 1986...

Next,  I'll be driving along and all of the sudden the hood, excuse me,
the bonnet comes unlatched.  Luckly the secondary latch has not failed
while going 60 down the freeway.  I still have plenty of time to pull 
off and push the bonnet down.  Any suggestions on this one?  I am afraid 
I may be posting later explaining how I wrecked it on the freeway because
the bonnet flew back and blocked my vision :(  This would not be a good


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