There really is not much of a problem. What you are seeing is the result of
the British cars list being more than a few addresses. Your mail is getting
through to almost everybody. The error messages are coming back from a site
or two that is not responding properly for some reason or another.
It seems that once you get around 150 or so names on the list, there is always
going to be an intermittent problem with one site for almost every posting.
The mail DOES get out to the list, it DOES get seen by almost everybody.
Some one may have just edited an alias file and made a mistake, or maybe a
key gateway is down for some short time, maybe somebody was just rearranging
their furniture and pulled out a wire. There are enough things to go wrong
that something will.
Think of it like a flashlight on a dark night. You shine a beam out into the
black, and a small piece of shiny metal reflects back. This does not mean that
ALL the light you shine out is getting reflected back, just the little bit that
hits the mirror. Objects farther away than the mirror can still be seen.
Your mail is like this, getting to all the destinations except the one which is
reflected back. Don't worry about it.
As for the spelling of 'brakes', the folks who use 'breaks' are just lazy or
ignorant, unwilling to fix their simple spelling error.