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SOL flag

To: britcars@ucscc.UCSC.EDU
Subject: SOL flag
From: mit-eddie!ucscc.UCSC.EDU!red4est!lrc@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Larry Colen - Nerd in a black leather jacket)
Date: Fri Jul 6 22:06:30 1990
Many years ago, I lived with a chap by the name of Paul Kile.
One night at the meeting of BAFD (British Auto Fanatics of Davis)
it was suggested that we have a 'british pub party'.  
Hang out, drink ale, munch bangers, play darts etc.
Someone suggested that this happen at Pauls and my place.
Since there were only two of us, the resolution passed.
When paul and I were cleaning up we realized that pubs as such
need a name and a crest, we decided to name the place
"The Rod and Spanner".
  the crest, to the best of my heraldry:
  Quarterly Or and Gules, Crossed and counterchanged a Connecting
Rod Gules and a combination spanner Or.

Or in english,
Divide the shield in quarters, Paint the upper right and lower left
corners gold (yellow), Paint the U.L and L.R. corners red.
Diagonally on the red, paint a gold combination spanner, open end down,
On the Gold, overlaying the spanner, paint a red Connecting rod,
Large end down.

Below is my attempt at rendering it in ascii, but it does make
a mighty fine looking banner when done right.

##    ##########          %==%
## ## ##########          #  #
## ## ##########          #  #
##    ##########          %==%
####    ########        ###
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           ###  #   ############
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    ######      #####   ########
  ###    ###    ####  #  #######
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  ###    ###    ##############
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  • SOL flag, Larry Colen - Nerd in a black leather jacket <=