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Clutch bleeding

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: Clutch bleeding
From: mit-eddie!!augi@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Joe Augenbraun)
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 90 11:15:05 EDT
Scott writes:
> Lydia's trans/clutch woes:
> First, try bleeding the hydraulics.
> <long discussion of how to bleed a clutch, just like bleeding
>  brakes deleted>

No, no, no, NO!

Everyone seems to forget one step and end up with mushy clutches as a
result.  When you open the bleeder, you must push the rod all the way
back into the slave cylinder as far as it will go.  This will expel any
air in the slave cylinder itself.  Also, it may be necessary to hold the
clutch pedal just slightly down when doing this, so that the air isn't
just forced into the lines (and then right back into the slave cylinder
as soon as the rod is let go).

This isn't necessary if there is some kind of spring on the slave cylinder
itself (I seem to remember someone saying that some TR's had this arrangement)
or if the bleed nipple is the highest point on the slave cylinder (it never
seems to be on brit cars, does it?).


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