Hi, I've got a problem with my Triumph Herald's engine (much the same
to a Spitfire's to all you Americans) and I was wondering if anyone
could shed some light on it - I won't have anytime to work on it until
the weekend so if you know what's wrong it'll save me a lot of time
fiddling about finding what it is.
I've recently put some rebuilt Spitfire twin-SU's on the machine and
set all the clearances and timing but a misfire problem has started up,
about a month or so later.
Half the time it runs OK, for much of the other there is an occational
misfire at high revs when it is warm - fine with the choke out. Once
in a while, though, the misfire is constant - either warm or cold.
It's this intermittent bit that puzzles me, otherwise is sounds much
like a carb tuning prob.
__ __
| \ / |
||| \_/ ||| Steve Cox
||||||||||| School of Info. Systems,
||||||||||| UEA,
||||||||||| Norwich,
__|||||||||||__ Norfolk UK.
\ \--.|||.--/ /
\ \__\_/__/ / swc@sys.uea.ac.uk