With great glee I came home today to see a package from the TR8
Car Club of America in my mailbox! Since I hadn't received
anything (ever) after sending my dues quite a while back, I was
quite eager to see what was inside. My glee turned to dismay
when I read the enclosed note; it started "To whom it may
concern:" and went on to say the "the club is in a 'limbo state'
of affairs at this time" Aack! Does anyone out there know
more about the status of the club?
The club president DID send me a few copies of old newsletters.
Neat stuff to read but I only got four past issues! Does anyone
out there have all (or some) past issues of the TR8 CCA
newsletter? If so, let me know. I'd like to get copies (if
possible) of back issues. I could send a large amount of cash, a
big SASE, and whatever else it will take :-)
Finally, a general question: The club newsletter started an
article about ATF being put in TR8 manual transmissions. Yuk!
I'm not fond of the ATF (Dexron II or Type F?) in my car--the
Redline MTL Gear Oil discussion a while back was MOST
interesting. Since I haven't got later newsletters to read, I'm
curious to know what, if any, replacement Gear Oil the TR8 CCA
suggested? Anybody read discussion on this topic? Thanks.
Jim TenCate