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To: british-cars@alliant
Subject: wax,tara,names
From: muller@Alliant.COM (Jim Muller)
Date: Mon, 7 May 90 11:21:03 EDT
Wayne A. asks:
...whether to wax my roadster. What do you folks do?

I haven't yet managed to wax my Spitfire, but his several-year-old-now
paint looks quite new almost.  Only once in the past have I ever spent
the time and effort to wax a car, my 1966 Porsche 912.  Do you know how
many acres of sheetmetal there are on that classic Porsche body style?
Enough to start a small farm.

Wayne then sez:
...something about the size of an eagle had taken the biggest dump I've
ever seen on the hood.  Yech!!!

Wayne, don't worry.  A seagull once did that to my *head* down at Woods Hole.
It didn't affect me one bit.  No sir, not at all, and   (umm)   it sure is
warm in here i uh   gee, what are all these little buttons with letters on
them for?  jedfojl ,.xxxx

Oh, let's see,
Dale (Ovr Fovnder) Cook writes:
"Frankly, I don't give a damn!"
Actually the quote should be:
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!"
Dale also says:
Jim "flicker" Muller: some lists I'm on periodically send out the
list to the members so that they can stay in touch by email.

Dale, are you insinuating that I am a horse?  I don't understand that one.
I'm still suffering from the seagul bombing, I guess.  About the names, I
could send the list to folks if they were really interested, but there are
rather a bunch of us, and many of the entries are just sub-lists for other
distribution, and anyway, most mail carrys good return address or signatiures.
If anyone really wants to see a full name list...?
Would anyone object..?


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