Well, there was this time ...
It was a first date. I picked her up in my Europa and headed off to the
restaurant for dinner. (I lived in Portland's West Hills at the time and
the restaurant was in downtown Beaverton, for those of you familiar with
the area.) We were about a mile from the restaurant when the clutch pedal
dropped to the floor; broken cable. I pulled into a side street and
hopped out to take a look at it. Not wanting to ruin any more clothes
than necessary, I stripped to the waist, revealing considerably more of
my (ahem) physique than I had planned that early in the evening. And in
brighter light, too! Anyway, the cable was hopeless, of course, so I
suggested we just walk to dinner and I'd deal with it afterward. At that
point a couple pulled up behind me in an Audi and the fellow offered his
assistance; he had an Esprit back in his garage and recognized a fellow
SOL. I wasn't looking forward to gear-jamming the Lotus home through the
traffic lights, and knew it would only be worse after dark, so I asked him
to take my date home while I limped away in the crippled Europa.
She was very nice about it, but I never heard from her again!
Dave Van Horn