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Re: Trip to England

To: sol%HOOSIER@cs
Subject: Re: Trip to England
From: Lawrence Buja <mit-eddie!CC.UTAH.EDU!ccm0b%PURCCVM.BITNET@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 1990 12:32 EST
Ralph E. Droms writes:
> Looks like I'm going to spend a few days in England at the end of the
> month.  Our itinerary calls for us to land at Gatwick, rent a car,
> drive to Henley-on-Thames and then Reading.  This will be my first
> experience with driving in England, so can any of you give me quick
> tips or impressions on how to adapt to RHS driving and recommendations
> about rental cars (e.g., how do I avoid getting the British equivalent
> of a Pinto)?  Any other words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!
> - Ralph
    One of the US non-mainstream car rags just ran a blurb on an
 English outfit who will rent you a Morgan Plus 8 to drive around in.
 From what I can recall it was rather pricey and naturally they require
 a substantial damage deposit.  Of course the article's at home, but
 I'll see if I can find it.
                                      Lawrence Buja

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