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Re: General information

To: "Joe Shmo" <>
Subject: Re: General information
From: "John T. Blair" <>
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2004 14:57:50 -0500
At 11:40 AM 3/7/2004 -0600, Joe Shmo wrote:
>I'm a new Bricklin "enthusiast" and was wondering if you could answer a few
>questions for me.  I was wondering if anyone could explain in depth about the
>leaking problem.  How reliable are they?  Are they an everyday car?  How are
>they to drive in the winter?


Welcome to the group.  What leaking problem are you refering to, rain/water?
If so there are several things that can be done to reduce or stop the leaking.

Yes many owers have or do drive their cars everyday.  

Basically the car is quite reliable, with the good old American power plants.
But like any car, they need to be maintained.  If you just drug one out of
a field, I wouldn't expect it to be very reliable for a daily driver without
some work.

Sandy Bigman, did a great article about stopping/reducing the water leaks
several years ago in the club magazine.  Quickly the biggest items are:

1. Doors fitting properly.
2. New door inner and outer seals,
3. Hatch drains NOT plugged
4. New hatch seal
5. Body panels not debonding from the body.

As to driving in the winter, depends on where you live.  In FL not too
bad.  In the Rocky Mountains, not to good.  Their pretty light in the back
so you don't get much traction.


John T. Blair  WA4OHZ     email:
Va. Beach, Va             (eBay id: zebra48-1)
Phone:  (757) 495-8229

          48 TR1800    48 #4 Midget    65 Morgan 4/4 Series V (B1109)
     75 Bricklin SV1 (#0887)    77 Spitfire    71 Saab Sonett III
                       65 Rambler Classic


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