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Fwd: air door solenoids ????

Subject: Fwd: air door solenoids ????
From: "Seth" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 21:59:10 -0400
Your solenoids should not be leaking. The indentation in the rubber is normal.

One question I'd have since these are brand new solenoids (which doesn't mean
they can't be broken) is how much pressure head do you have on the system?
If your system is overcharged, that will push past the solenoids (they only have
xx lb's of hold-off force).

You could try lubricating (sparingly) the valve seat with ATF (or whatever 
using in your mist-er) to make sure you're not binding on the rubber seat.


On 9/27/01, at 7:26 PM, John T. Blair <> wrote: 

>Ok gang.  Anyone got their air system operational but not connected to the
>door lift rams?  If so, do the solenoids leak a little?
>I just finished getting the compressor wired, the rear bumper mounted, and
>the air hose tubing run around the car.  I have the air panel sitting out
>of the pit it usually is in so I can work on things and check for leaks.
>I turned the electric compressor on, and it started charging the system.  
>Don't know how much pressure, I really should but a press. guage in the 
>system someplace.  Anyway, as the system was charging, I found a leak 
>coming from both the up solenoids.  One solenoid leaks a lot worse than
>the other.  The air is leaking out the output of solenoid.  These are 
>brand new KIP solenoids!
>I know we did an article a couple of months ago about cleaning them (I 
>think Kim M. wrote it).  So I took the solenoid apart.  Inside there is
>a small piston that is spring loaded closed.  On the face of this piston, 
>there is a small rubber pad.  The pad on the leaking solenoid has a very
>distinct circle marked on it.  I think this is maybe why it is leaking.
>I haven't pulled the other solenoids apart yet.
>I thought I'd ask if anyone else has had problems like this.  I know a 
>couple of fellows have had their doors "pop" open.  The concensus was that
>their "up" solenoids were leaking.
>Is part of my problem that I don't have the outputs connected to the rams?
>I'm afraid that if I do, the rams will lift.  Or is their enough weight on
>the rams (from the doors) that it reaches a equlibrium?
>John T. Blair  WA4OHZ          email:
>Va. Beach, Va                  Phone:  (757) 495-8229
>48 TR1800    48 #4 Midget  65 Morgan 4/4 Series V
>     75 Bricklin SV1   77 Spitfire     71 Saab Sonett III
>        65 Rambler Classic

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