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RE: Fw: Bricklin club members?

To: "Bricklin" <>
Subject: RE: Fw: Bricklin club members?
From: "Mark Fasano" <>
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 22:00:51 -0800
I will send you a Christmas card for $5.00 and I will enclose a pic of #385
as an extra bonus. <lol>

Mark Fasano

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Greg Monfort
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 9:35 PM
To: Bricklin
Subject: Fw: Fw: Bricklin club members?

Unless I missed something, paying $10 for a Christmas card isn't sufficient
incentive for me to join.  :^))

----- Original Message -----

I do get a Bricklin Christmas card each year, but that is
> about it.

 I just received
> a renewal notice of $20.00 for two years of OBO club membership.  Am I the
> only one on the BI email list that is a member of both clubs?

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