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To: "" <>
Subject: Re:
From: Jim & Ginny Kelliher <>
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 22:56:19 -0500
Jim & Ginny Kelliher wrote:
> About the only part that is correct is "the rarest of the rare".  A 4sp
> car
> is indeed the rarest of a very rare car.
> I think that the rarest would be by color and 4 speed. It was once
> written that no red 4 spd car existed, but the other colors were
> represented in 4 spd form. There is a red 4 spd in BI's web page photo
> album but I would be confident in saying it is a painted car that was
> originally a different color.
> So, the question is, how many of the remaining 4 spds can be identified
> and what are the numbers of each color manufactured?
> Food for thought..
> Jim

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