At 11:58 PM 4/10/98 -0700, illyana delorean wrote:
>> There was a VW based kit car that was produced in > the early
>1980's called the Fiberfab Aztec 7.
>okay... what is a "kit car"? <<insert lame Knight Rider joke here>>
>on both this mailing list and the DeLorean mailing list, i have read
>about kit cars, but never knew what they were! please, enlighten me!
This one is easy. A kit car is exactly that. You buy a car in kit
form (ie. pieces). Some kits cars use existing cars as doners for the
chassis, eng. and suspension. The kits would consist of a fiberglass
body that you replaced the old body with and an interior kit. Others
like the Cobras you purchase, the chassis, suspension, body, etc from
the kit maker. Kits can run from around $1500 for the body to $40,000
for a complete Cobra kit.
>also... can anyone here name EVERY type of car that has gullwing
>doors? or almost every type! i would love to know!
ms. delorean
This one is a little harder! There were 3 production gullwing cars:
1. Mercedes (sp) 300 SL Gullwing (circa 55-58) don't know production #s.
2. Bricklin (74-75) about 2914 cars produced
3. DeLorean (80-84) about 8000 cars produced.
4. The original Marcos (British car) had gullwings. I think about 5 were
5. There is a French car listed on the web page.
There was one protype car the Mercedes 111 ('80) no prod. #s
Now to the kit cars:
1. The Bradley - probably the best know. The Series I had plexiglass
gullwings that were detachable. The Series II had full gullwing
doors. Bodies fit on a VW chassis.
2. The Banshee by FiberFab - circa 65-70 Used TR3, MGA, or Healy 3000
3. The April issue of The Brickline shows a Cimbria. Don't know anything
about this kit.
The Aztec that I remember, I thought the entire top of the cockpit lifted
Next time your in a book store, look for a magazine call Kit Car. There
are actually 2 mags. with very close names. They come out about every
2 mo.
John T. Blair WA4OHZ email:
Va. Beach, Va Phone: (757) 495-8229
48 TR1800 65 Morgan 4/4 Series V
71 Saab Sonett III 75 Bricklin SV1 77 Spitfire