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Fw: FW: TKR - it gets worse...

To: "Bricklin" <>
Subject: Fw: FW: TKR - it gets worse...
From: "Greg Monfort" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 00:40:05 -0500
It's the bean counters. An old Bricklin costs less than the special effects.

-----Original Message-----

>it really stinks that they destroyed a bricklin, especially one that was in
>good shape.
>i would think that with all those high tech special effects, they could
>provide the illusion of the car exploding without hurting the car.  they
>have used bluescreening or a high end graphics program like Softimage 3d to
>have the same effect...
>I wonder what they were smoking!!!!

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