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Fw: More Air Door Questions

To: "Bricklin" <>
Subject: Fw: More Air Door Questions
From: "Greg Monfort" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 00:31:34 -0500

>I purchased an air door system in 1986 from Tim Begley of Bricklin
>Services in Fort Worth, TX.  I understand he moved to Rhode Island or
>somewhere and has dropped off the Bricklin radar screen.  The kit
>included a small air compressor which mounted under the trim inside the
>rear of the car (between the bottom of the hatch and the floor) and the
>air tank bolted under the floor just behind the passenger compartment.
>It also had additional independent assist cylinders which mounted on the
>doors.  The air pump system worked fine, except the air compressor is a
>bit loud in the passenger compartment.  There is no vacuum pump and the
>compressor is a manual operation (no automatic low pressure switch to
>start it).  My questions are:
>1. Do other systems have automatic pressure switches?

The only one I saw did.

>2. Is a supplemental vacuum pump advisable to reduce the amount of time
>the compressor needs to operate?

At a glance it seems like a good idea. You would need a one way check valve
on the output side of the vacuum pump.

>3. What is the compressor capacity (cubic feet per minute or other
>volume per unit time measurement) used on the current air door systems?
>I think my compressor could be smaller than those currently used.

Don't have a clue.

>Thanks for having this website.  It is comforting to know that helpful
>folks are but a few keystrokes away.
>John Cotterell
>75 Bricklin
>55 T-Bird

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