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you have to have emissions the first year then after that nothing its 10 a
year That's if they don't mess up your account like mine.
double check every thing they do they can't seam to type down there or read
the paper work given then it takes a governors order to fix there mistakes
----- Original Message -----
From: Gus Garzareli <ggarzar2000@yahoo.com>
To: bmcu@autox.team.net, Brian Elkins <belkins@xmission.com>
Sent: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 14:39:43 -0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: [Bmcu] Vintage Vehicle Registration
Did you say no emmissions required? I have a 1968
--- On Tue, 7/19/11, Brian Elkins <belkins@xmission.com> wrote:
From: Brian Elkins <belkins@xmission.com>
Subject: Re: [Bmcu] Vintage Vehicle Registration
To: bmcu@autox.team.net
Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2011, 4:07 PM
I have registered my '71 Lotus Europa and it went without a hitch.
Also, I do not know if there is still controversy regarding whether or not you
need a safety inspection but there is no question you do NEED ONE. I was told
if you are pulled over by the police and you do not have your safety inspection
you will lose your vintage plate status and the luxuries it affords (no
emissions testing).
Brian Elkins
> Although I have not yet registered my Midget, the plain language of the
>statute appears to encompass anything but a daily driver. I don't believe
>that the DMV will press you to hard on it.
> 41-21-1(2)(a) "Vintage vehicle" means a motor vehicle that is 30 years old
>or older, from the current year, primarily a collector's item, and used for
>participation in club activities, exhibitions, tours, parades, occasional
>transportation, and similar
uses, but that is not used for general daily transportation.
> Trevor C. LangJ.D. Candidate May 2012S.J. Quinney College of LawThe
>University of UtahPhone:
> target=_blank>801-462-6425trevor.lang@law.utah.edu
> Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 09:36:23 -0600
> From: <A
> To: bmcu@autox.team.net
> Subject: [Bmcu] Vintage Vehicle Registration
> I hope this isn't a dumb question, but has anyone taken advantage of
>the recent change in the law regarding
antique/vintage vehicle registration? My '71 now qualifies, and my regular
registration expires in a couple weeks. I had intended to switch it to the
antique classification, but was concerned about the stipulation that the car
be driven "occasionally". Do members of the club have experience with the
proverbial spirit and letter of the law on this? I drive the "B" when it is
nice out, which means probably 10x per month during the warm months of the
year. More than just to club events, parades or car shows, but not 365 days
per year.
> -David
> _______________________________________________
> Bmcu@autox.team.net
> Donate: www.team.net/donate.html"
> Archive: http://www.team.net/archive
> Forums: http://www.team.net/forums
> Unsubscribe/Manage: tcmango@hotmail.com"
Donate: http://www.team.net/donate.html
Archive: http://www.team.net/archive
Forums: http://www.team.net/forums
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<html><head><style> body {height: 100%; color:#000000; font-size:12pt; font=
-family:Arial;}</style></head><body>you have to have emissions the first ye=
ar then after that nothing its 10 a year <span class=3D>That's</span>=
if they <span class=3D>don't</span> mess up your account like mine.<br>dou=
ble check every thing they do they can't seam to type down there or r=
ead the paper work <span class=3D>given</span> then it takes a =
governors order to fix there mistakes <br><br>Rich<br>Tr250<br><br>----- Or=
iginal Message -----<br>From: Gus <span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>Garzareli</s=
pan> <ggarzar2000@yahoo.com><br>To: <span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>bmcu=
</span>@<span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>autox</span>.team.net, Brian <span cla=
ss=3Dyui-spellcheck>Elkins</span> <<span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>belkins<=
/span>@<span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>xmission</span>.com><br>Sent: Wed, 2=
0 Jul 2011 14:39:43 -0000 (<span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>UTC</span>)<br>Subj=
ect: Re: [<span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>Bmcu</span>] Vintage Vehicle Registr=
<TABLE border=3D0 cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0><br><br>
<TD vAlign=3Dtop>Did you say no <span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>emmissions</sp=
an> required? I have a 1968<br><br>--- On <strong>Tue, 7/19/11, Brian=
Elkins <em><belkins@xmission.com></em></strong> wrote:<br><br><br>
<blockquote style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MAR=
GIN-LEFT: 5px"><br>From: Brian Elkins <belkins@xmission.com><br>Subje=
ct: Re: [Bmcu] Vintage Vehicle Registration<br>To: bmcu@autox.team.net<br>D=
ate: Tuesday, July 19, 2011, 4:07 PM<br><br><br><br>
<DIV class=3DplainMail>I have registered my '71 Lotus Europa and it went wi=
thout a hitch.<br><br>Also, I do not know if there is still controversy reg=
arding whether or not you need a safety inspection but there is no question=
you do NEED ONE. I was told if you are pulled over by the police and=
you do not have your safety inspection you will lose your vintage plate st=
atus and the luxuries it affords (no emissions testing).<br><br>Brian Elkin=
s<br><br><br>> <br>> Although I have not yet registered my Midget, th=
e plain <span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>lang</span>uage of the statute a=
ppears to encompass anything but a daily driver. I don't believ=
e that the <span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>DMV</span> will press you to hard o=
n it.<br>> 41-21-1(2)(a) "Vintage vehicle" means a motor vehicle t=
hat is 30 years old or older, from the current year, primarily a coll=
ector's item, and used for participation in club activities, exhibiti=
ons, tours, parades, occasional transportation, and similar<br><br>us=
es, but that is not used for general daily transportation.<br>> Tr=
evor C. <span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>LangJ</span>.D. Candidate May 2012S.J.=
<span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>Quinney</span> College of <span class=3Dyui-s=
pellcheck>LawThe</span> University of <span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>Ut=
ahPhone</span>: <A href=3D"http://sz0014.ev.mail.comcast.net/zimbra/h/%3Csp=
an%20class=3D" yui-spellcheck?>http</span>://us.mc1205.mail.yahoo.com/mc/co=
mpose?to=3D801-462-6425trevor.lang@law.<span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>utah</s=
pan>.<span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>edu</span>" target=3D_blank>801-462-64=
25trevor.lang@law.utah.edu</A><br>> <br>> Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 09:3=
6:23 -0600<br>> From: <A href=3D"http://us.mc1205.mail.yahoo.com/mc/comp=
ose?to=3D<span class=3D" yui-spellcheck?>david</span>.<span class=3Dyui-spe=
llcheck>clawson</span>@<span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>gmail</span>.com" targe=
t=3D_blank>david.clawson@gmail.com</A><br>> To: <A href=3D"http://us.=
mc1205.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=3Dbmcu@autox.team.net" target=3D_blank>=
bmcu@autox.team.net</A><br>> Subject: [Bmcu] Vintage Vehicle Registratio=
n<br>> <br>> BMCU-<br>> <br>> I hope=
this isn't a dumb question, but has anyone taken advantage of the re=
cent change in the law regarding<br><br>antique/vintage vehicle regis=
tration? My '71 now qualifies, and my regular registration expires in=
a couple weeks. I had intended to switch it to the antique classific=
ation, but was concerned about the stipulation that the car be driven=
"occasionally". Do members of the club have experience with the prov=
erbial spirit and letter of the law on this? I drive the "B" when it =
is nice out, which means probably 10x per month during the warm month=
s of the year. More than just to club events, parades or car shows, b=
ut not 365 days per year.<br>> <br>> <br>> &nb=
sp; -David<br>> <br>> _________________________________=
______________<br>> <A href=3D"http://us.mc1205.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compos=
e?to=3DBmcu@autox.team.net" target=3D_blank>Bmcu@autox.team.net</A><br>>=
Donate: <A href=3D"http://%3cspan%20class=3D/"; yui-spellcheck?>www</span>.=
team.net/donate.<span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>html</span>" target=3D_blank&g=
t;http://www.team.net/donate.html</A><br>> Archive: <A href=3D"http://ww=
w.team.net/archive" target=3D_blank>http://www.team.net/archive</A><br>>=
Forums: <A href=3D"http://www.team.net/forums"; target=3D_blank>http://www.=
team.net/forums</A><br>> <span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>Unsubscribe</span>=
/Manage: <A href=3D"http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/bmcu/%3Cspa=
n%20class=3D" yui-spellcheck?>tcmango</span>@<span class=3Dyui-spellcheck>h=
otmail</span>.com" target=3D_blank>http://autox.team.net/mailman/options=
_____________<br><A href=3D"http://us.mc1205.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=
=3DBmcu@autox.team.net" target=3D_blank>Bmcu@autox.team.net</A><br>Donate: =
<A href=3D"http://www.team.net/donate.html"; target=3D_blank>http://www.team=
.net/donate.html</A><br>Archive: <A href=3D"http://www.team.net/archive"; ta=
rget=3D_blank>http://www.team.net/archive</A><br>Forums: <A href=3D"http://=
www.team.net/forums" target=3D_blank>http://www.team.net/forums</A><br>Unsu=
bscribe/Manage: <A href=3D"http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/bmcu/ggarz=
ar2000@yahoo.com" target=3D_blank>http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/bmc=
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