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RE: St. Patricks Day Parade reminder

To: <>
Subject: RE: St. Patricks Day Parade reminder
From: "Gary Lindstrom" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 15:16:54 -0700
Late breaking news: We got our wish -- we have an early parade number: 60.
That means we really need to be ready to roll at 9am. The Hibernians advise
that the staging area is open at 8am. To get there, travel northbound on 5th
West from 200 South, and look for parade marshals to guide you to our spot.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Gary Lindstrom
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 11:22 AM
Subject: St. Patricks Day Parade reminder

The Long Line of Oil -- No, Make That Green!
St. Patrick's Day Parade
March 11, 2006

As part of the BMCU Outreach Program, we will once again represent the
British Empire at the St. Patrick Day Parade on March 11. This is no small
calling, given that the Irish (probably through lack of exposure to English
automobiles), have a traditional distrust of all things British.

In any case, great weather is predicted (by our English Farmer's Almanac),
and a great time lies in store for all attendees. The route will be the same
as last year, with assembly at the intersection of 400 West and 200 North,
whence we will drive "with great precision smartly down 400 West" (quoting
the Utah Hibernian web site) "through the middle of the Gateway, a route of
approximately 6-7 blocks".

Rendezvous at 9am, and put $10 per car in your mitten -- the tribute
extracted by the parade organizers. I sent in our application earlier this
year, in hopes of getting an earlier parade number. In any case, lots of fun
is to be had while waiting, including chatting with other entrants, club
members, dogs and horses.

All in all it's a great way to chase away that cabin fever you've been
burdened with all winter, and wave as Miss (or Mr.) Congeniality to the
adoring crowds.

After receiving our adulation, we'll retire to a cozy nook for lunch. In
past years this has been Sam Granato's Italian market, which somehow always
seems appropriate on St. Patty's Day.

Details on the parade may be obtained from the Utah Hibernian web site,

Quoth the Hibernians: "join us in a 'warm one' or even a 'cool one'".

--Gary Lindstrom

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