On Wed, Mar 01, 2006 at 11:01:38AM -0800, Pat Kelly wrote:
> Jerry,
> I meant the problem that Don McKenna's analysis solved by permanently
> going to a 6 run group set-up. He saw it as a problem and offered the
> solution of 6 heats.
Hi Pat, the 6 run group solution was based on problems that occurred
during the 2005 regular season, including a couple of events in a row
where the afternoon groups were combined. I remember that clearly,
because at one of those events there was no food truck (this was the
event after the GGF on-site catering experiment). I didn't get to eat
anything that day until I got home late in the evening.
> I was not aware that the 8 run group was not real, but allowed for a
> fall-back to 6 groups. I was not part of that discussion or the solution.
> (Of course, my mind is too cluttered with too many unorganized and mis-filed
> facts.) :)
I was at the meeting where the 8-into-6 format was proposed, and it
was described in the same way as Jerry has just now described it. It
seemed to work well for 2005 Slush, even at the Marina event when the
morning run groups had to be combined.
john@idsfa.net John Stimson
http://www.idsfa.net/~john/ HMC Physics '94