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Alameda Autocross?

To: Bay Area Team dot Net <>
Subject: Alameda Autocross?
From: John Kelly <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2005 14:41:46 -0500
-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------

Message text written by Rex Tener

"I thought Alameda was closed to autocross, but my neighbor ran a PCA event

there yesterday.  Is Alameda an option for SFR? AAS?

-------------------- End Original Message --------------------

Let's pretend nobody has done anything about Alameda Point.
A fresh face wearing a business suit will do positives for our program.

First you need approval of the City of Alameda Planning Commission.
The guy you want to talk to first has his office in the building with the
control tower. 
        You need to persuade this official that you and your upscale
friends will do no harm and you really only want to utilize the place one
day a month for about seven or so months. That one day you request for
openers will not be on the first weekend of the month because there's a
major flea market kind of thing takes place on those dates.
        There is also a fellow who works in City Hall that you will need to
talk to. As he is the guy will will appear with you before the Planning
Commission, your initial meeting and all others must be VERY people or
charity oriented. 
        PCA came up with an Industrial sound limit as a requirement. That
type works on a 24-hour basis, thus a once in-a-while blip is no big deal.
Thus you don't bring up the subject unless dragged into it and you can
safely assure our group meets well.
        After he agrees to rent the place--Actual cost unknown--you will
need to appear before the planning Commission and answer all quwestions. 
        The present PCA use limit is 100 cars. The enforcers are flexible
but our 200+ groups really should be covered early.
        So put on your handsome face, drive your BMW or other expensive car
and talk to these folks. 
        Also be aware there's another guy who acts as an agent for the
premises and signs up Mazda, GM, etc. 

--John Kelly

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