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Re: Driving at GGF

Subject: Re: Driving at GGF
From: "Donald R McKenna" <>
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2003 10:18:31 -0700
Dan writes:

>All I can say is, I hope something happens to all that gravel before next 
>weekend!  I swear, it's like the ball-bearing factory next door exploded.  I 
>knew that course was slippery, but I've never seen it quite like last Sunday! 
>Okay, rant is over.
>93 Prelude

You've blown my excuse, I've thought it to be a "street-tire/FWD" lot, oh
well :-) Never mind Jame's (and many othere's RWD) TTOD.

We all appreciate that each lot has it's pluses and minuses but, lets
remember, ANY lot is better than NO lot.

Remember when you run AAS/Fresno events or the Tour at Castle that the tire
wear won't be much greater than GGF's but, the traction will be excellent.

Speaking of "good" lots, I had an interesting observation after the SD Tour.
As you know when we run in wet weather at most lots, the car gets filthy.
Now maybe it was due to the excessive amount of water the torrential
downpour gave us on Saturday but, my car came home looking like it had run
in the dry. It, actually, looked clean. So, maybe, there's an additional
advantage to the "Qualcom hill", much of the lot gets "flushed" regularly
when it rains. With less residual dust, it may even yield good dry traction
on early, as well as late, run groups, particularly early in the season.


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