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RE: SCCA San Francisco Region Banquet -Question

To: "Stacey SBC" <>, <>
Subject: RE: SCCA San Francisco Region Banquet -Question
From: "Bryan Nemy" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 22:17:48 -0800
        I always make it my chance to wear one of my many ties taking up 
in my closet.  They don't get much action any more.  You will see people
dressed in any of the attire that you mentioned - Jeans to Tux - anything
goes.  I just think it is a special time and deserves a little class.


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Stacey SBC
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 9:50 PM
Subject: SCCA San Francisco Region Banquet -Question

I have a question about the banquet...

Not being one that ever over dresses for any event,
I was wondering what the appropriate attire might be
for the upcoming "SCCA San Francisco Region Banquet"
on Saturday?

Are we talking jeans, dockers, suits or tuxes???

I hope it is one of the first two as the second two are
in short supply in my wardrobe.....

Thanks for any suggestions.
(about attire or how to improve my driving skills)

97 Camaro Z-28   F-Stock

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