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Re: local source for air pressure gage

To: Pat Kelly <>,
Subject: Re: local source for air pressure gage
From: Joe Ciarcia <>
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 09:30:10 -0700 (PDT)
--- Pat Kelly <> wrote:
> Cheap or expensive, it's important to always use the
> same tire pressure 
> gauge. I'm not sure how accurately any gauge is
> calibrated,... <snip>

I believe Consumer Reports researched this a while
back. If I remember correctly they found that even the
fancy ones aren't that accurate. Many aren't even
consistent within the same model line. Indeed
comparing mine to my friends' gauges there is almost
always at least a 1.5 psi to 2.0 psi difference and
sometimes as much as 5.0 psi. I know what works for me
on my car with my gauge though.

C ya, Joe

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