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Autox School Brainstorming

To: <>
Subject: Autox School Brainstorming
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 15:26:11 -0700
Recent Thunder Valley e-mail list discussions got me thinking.

First, next spring the VCMC Motorsport Club in Vancouver, BC, will be holding a 
women's only autox school. I know this is popular down in SoCal. I've always 
had mixed emotions about it, but after a positive women's only bike racing 
clinic, I've had a change of heart. Any possibilities of this ever happening in 
the Bay Area? I'm thinking it could be open to ANYONE, SCCA member or not, and 
as in Vancouver, it could be called a Car Control Clinic. This could be 
something directed at the general community.

I'm just brainstorming ideas here. Please attack the ideas, not me.

And then, going in a completely different direction, I think the one aspect of 
competitive autox often overlooked is the start. The fastest autocrossers 
always really attack off the start. Michael Butler was one of the most 
aggressive, and so is Kevin McCormick. Those are two that I mimic.

Yet, in autox schools, we focus on everything else. Why not an exercise focused 
specifically on that? Say, a ninety-degree turn or two to simulate the start of 
an actual course? I've made drastic improvements in times in a single autox 
simply by adding more oomph to my start. I bet this could be made into a good 

Well, let's have an intelligent conversation about this, because sometimes, we 
read something "new" and just completely freak out about it. I'm just offering 
up some ideas. 

Katie K.

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