1. When do you plan on leaving?
Thursday, Sept. 5th @ high noon
2. When do you plan on arriving in Topeka?
Friday, Sept.6th @ sundown
3. Do you need someone to reserve a space for you?
No, but if Charlie gets there before me maybe he can
work a deal with the paddock police to let me and my 2
fellow DSP cars pit next to him and the Red Star
racing guys - I will need to work on Tito's car before
he runs.
4. What class and car# are you competing in?
1. D Prepared, #173?
2. Street Mod, #80?
3. D Street Prepared, #197?
Thanks to the test and tune a couplke of weeks ago, my
original hope came through - #197 DSP!!!!!
5. Is this your first Nationals?
This is my 6th, and LAST, indefinitely. I will miss
it dearly, but hopefully I can return someday to
experience more great memories.
And I really want to thank all of the Bay area
autoxers who have given me advice and support in the
past six years and have made each of my Nationals trip
an experience which I will never forget.
2002 Nats will be the best one by far. Good Luck and
safe trip to all and God Bless.
Arie Villasol
Acts 20:24 Racing