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Re: Helmet shopping

Subject: Re: Helmet shopping
From: J C <>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 11:59:33 -0700 (PDT)
--- Joey Joejoe <> wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a good shop that sells helmets
> in
> the area?  I've been told that the same model helmet
> may fit slightly differently depending on whether it
> was certified M or SA, can anyone confirm this?

When I was trying out helmets I found that the >>>SAME
EXACT<<< model helmet (same certification, size and
everything) can fit differently from helmet to helmet.
I bought my helmet in Santa Clara, I think the name of
the place is Cycle Accessories (but I may be way off
on the name). It's on the east side of El Camino in
the vicinity of the VW dealership.

Cheers, Joe
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