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Re: shifting, was Re: 2500 lb Miata?

Subject: Re: shifting, was Re: 2500 lb Miata?
From: "Donald R McKenna" <>
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2001 07:29:58 -0700
Seth replies to Charlie:

> writes: in response to: James writing:
>  "upshifting leaves you coasting when you"
> Unless the alternative is bouncing off of a rev limiter which is a series of 
> coast/power cycles(in most cars).  Unless there's good reason to stay in a 
> lower gear, learn to upshift and heel/toe downshift...  CHD >>
>Or you could cop out and race a car with an automatic transmission! 
>What a concept! <grin> -Seth

Then someone (something) else can screw up the shifting, right Seth?

Seriously, back to the original down-shifting thread, with both my '85 and
'96 there were/are many times when "down-to-low" on a slower corner really
helps pivot the car and gain both a quicker turn and exit. Also, seem to see
both Miatas and Integra R's do that at times when the corner speed, by
itself, doesn't seem to dictate low gear.

And BTW, Charlie gave some really GOOD free advice, above.


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