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Re: Cheap Gas?

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Cheap Gas?
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 17:50:54 EDT
I think you could make a pretty cool hybrid car with super performance. have a 
gasoline motor for cruising and charging the battery pack.
 . . 
maybe turn down the power for a few
autocross runs.  talk about torque on demand!!

In fact, I see that our local honda hybrid (NOT a sports car) on street tires 
is a tiny tick behind a 127hp civic on R-tires in SFR!  -james

Well, James, at DeAnza this year, a car called the T-Zero showed up. I 
recognized it from a Road & Track article. It was electric, but had a trailer 
with the charger installed for long trips. (It autocrossed without the 
trailer!) It would be a great commute car! It was a beautiful design/style, 
looking a little like a Sports Racer. It was very quiet, of course and had 
"Torque on Demand", to say the least. - Seth

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