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Re: Working question

Subject: Re: Working question
From: "Craig Haggart, SSRL Accelerator Ops Group"
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 19:46:07 -0700 (PDT)
   > what's involved in getting started?

I assume that you mean getting started as a road race track 
worker, since getting started as an autocross worker is 
simply a matter of showing up and signing up for a work 

Think about what sort of thing you might like to do, then 
contact somebody involved with that worker specialty.  
There's a "Chiefs Of Specialty" list on the SFR web site at:

If you don't have any idea of what each particular specialty 
involves, just ask the chief.  Be aware, however, that they 
are all going to tell you that theirs is the best (and they 
will be right).   :>

I just did my first stint as a track worker last weekend at 
Sears Point, and I had a truly excellent time.  If you would 
like a novice's perspective of what some of the groups do, 
I'd be happy to talk to you.  I can at least tell you which 
folks wear a lot of sunblock and own all of the white jeans 
that got tossed out after the disco era passed. 

-Craig Haggart
 Sunnyvale, California
 '96 Miata M Edition

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