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Re: Wanted Used 205/55x14 or 225/50x14 or 195s for Darren

Subject: Re: Wanted Used 205/55x14 or 225/50x14 or 195s for Darren
From: Darren Madams <>
Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 17:28:45 -0700 (PDT)
Soebie wrote:
> Anybody has used 205/55x14 or 225/50x14 .... for DeAnza Run.

I'm also looking for a set of 195s or 205s for a similar (ok, the same)
purpose... anybody got anything free or cheap?  Must fit a 5.5" rim.

Derek, Andy, Craig?  I know you must have something lying around! :)



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