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RE: Course for Stockton

To: <>
Subject: RE: Course for Stockton
From: "Dan USA" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 10:57:33 -0800
I like the idea of a loop, a mini skid pad, (please make it BIG).  It will
help me determine if my car is balanced or not.  But, I'm not sure of the
Pat kiss.  Since I don't know what Pat looks like, I might get in trouble
kissing the wrong women.  It might be one way to keep people from standing
too close to the course. :^)
Can you say Gymkhana?
Wow, 25 minutes to an autocross.  MORE Stockton events!
944 Turbo (SM2 in the making)

> Subject: Course for Stockton
>  O.K.
> Me and Barry have designed a course for Stockton. It will be like the 99
> south national course, With the exception of a loop that you must drive
> around 3 time, Then proceed to the end, Stop you car, Get out, Find
> Pat Kelly, Give her a kiss on the cheek, Get back in the car and proceed
> the entire course in reverse to the finish. Any errors will be
> scored with a
> DNF.
>                                                Dennis

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