>Hey folks -
>For all of you who want to help out, this is a perfect opportunity. You
>don't have to have oodles of experience to staff the novice table - most of
>the questions are first-timer questions, like:
>- - what class is my car in? (There's a rulebook right there to look it up
>- - what's the difference between Novice, Open, Ladies?
>- - now I've registered, what do I do?
>- - what group do I run in?
>- - when does that group run?
>- - what work assignment should I sign up for?
>- - what number should I use?
>- - how do I put numbers on my car?
>Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2001 01:32:07 EST
>From: Toy4speed@aol.com
>Subject: Re: Novice table?
>Hey Ellen:
>This novice table idea, isn't it pretty much what we do at registration
>anyway? Maybe I can get credit for 2 jobs now?
>Don Lew
>oh to be as fast as GS!
Yep, we've been doing a lot of novice orientation at Registration (which
unfortunately slows down the flow, even though it's fun). I can't wait
until we have an official person at the novice table helping out (and, yes,
it COULD be you, Don, but we sure need your skill getting everyone