i remember figuring that i would normally have finished better in my open
class than in my rookie class (cuz the rookie class allowed race tires- i
didnt have any), and often even the next year on street tires.
curiously my best pax result EVER was as a rookie- my 4th event paxed 12th
on street tires. its been all downhill since then. :|
-James Creasy
Slow Angle Cobrasports www.klio.net/cobra
BAPOC www.klio.net/probe
*** Nationals Party 15 September - 8PM Club Mallard, Albany ***
----- Original Message -----
From: Rich Urschel <OSP13@attglobal.net>
> Then there's me who eschewed the 1996 rookie program
> and became ASP Open Champion because it was so much
> easier to win than the rookie class that year. Did winning
> an easy class in 1996 keep me from becoming a National
> Champion sooner than I might? Nope. Did beating a
> multiple time National Champion in AP Open this
> year make me nationally competitive? Nope.
> Will I become a National Champion? Maybe. It
> has far more to do with how willing I am to do
> what is necessary and future economic
> circumstances than anything else. Having SFR
> to run in helps, but the manipulation of available
> classes to run in has had and will have no bearing
> at all.
> I truly don't understand this debate. It seems people
> are afraid that we can't recognize those rare individuals capable of
winning a
> National Championship and save
> them from wasting their first year in those oh so soft
> Rookie classes.
> The best of the road racing community are quite
> capable of instantly recognizing extraordinary
> talent in an uncompetitive car. Rindt in a Cooper.
> Lauda in a BRM. Schumacher in a Toleman to
> name just three who in their first year were
> pronounced future F1 champions by prominent
> team owners.
> What's so difficult for us? Ride and drive.
> No doubt left. Seems Jerry's proposal of
> separate series next year just might facilitate
> that. Lot's of problems to solve and lots of details
> to work out, but I find it a most interesting concept
> rather than the instant death of the SFR rookies
> to Nationals campaign.
> I just wish we could concentrate on how we will
> manage Slush run time before tackling Jerry's
> proposal for next year, but I sure don't want
> to stem his enthusiasm with debate of irrelevant
> presumptions.
> Rich Urschel
> Ps. Oh yes, I've concluded I still have enough
> natural talent and physical control left to possibly
> win one of the softer National Classes sometime
> in the next decade. Thank you SFR (including the
> Sacramento and Fresno Chapters) for giving me
> the chance to find out at my own affordable pace.