Everyone: 1999 2000
Total Events 18 14 down 22%
Total Entries 3252 3310 up 2%
Total Entrants 795 891 up 12%
rookies 270 387 up 43%
one-timers 312 393 up 26%
qualifiers 111 152 up
trophies 65 93 up
class champions 35 42 up 20%
classes w/one qualifier 11 11 no change
no-trophies 46 59 up 28%
Rookies 1999 2000
Total Entries 773 ?
Total Entrants 270 387
one-timers 147 ?
qualifiers 23 37
trophies 16 25
class champions 4 7
note: 9 of 1999's 23 rookie qualifiers qualified again in 2000
5 of 1999's 16 rookie trophy winners won trophies in 2000
1999 2000
Open Class competitors
qualifiers 79 108
trophies 42 62
Odds of a qualifier in a class with competition
winning a trophy:
1999 2000
Rookies 70% 68%
Open class 61% 53%
Ladies 50% 50%
Odds of a qualifier having competition in his/her chosen class:
Rookies 100% 100%
Open class 92% 91%
Ladies 44% 28%
note: Overall odds of a qualifier being eligible for a
competitive class was 97% in 2000.
competition: more than one qualifier in a class
qualifier: attended at least half of the events in a single class
no-trophies: qualified but earned no trophy
One additional note: The number of classes with unclaimed
second or third place trophies jumped to 3 this year.
No requests for additional data, please. I'm only doing this
much now to correct The Spender's numbers and to write
a Wheel report.
Rich Urschel