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RE: Thanks

To: "'Vitaly Iourtchenko'" <>,
Subject: RE: Thanks
From: Carl Merritt <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 15:52:31 -0700
> The course was great, I loved playing the role of a bowling ball on
> the 7th and 8th slalom cones.

I place all the praise and blame for the course on Ben & Kristi, they did
all the work on that one.

> The format of the event was excellent too, though I doubt we can have
> something as efficient when there are 275 entrants. I guess that's 
> one more reason to attend away-from-home events.

Yeah, but then we would have just tossed out the fun runs and still finished
on time.

> P.S. Why do 300ZXTT's smoke so much??

It isn't just the Twin Turbos, all the late model 300ZXs do it (Both my and
David Parker's non-turbo 300ZXs for instance).  The driver's side PCV pickup
on the VG30DE and VG30DETT motors is WAY too close to a pool of oil in the
crank case, so when under heavy Gs in a right hand turn, espeically when
lifting off the throttle to get a good vacuum going, it'll suck oil into the
intake.  Often this oil will just sit around the intake plenuum for a while
until you next launch hard, which is why they all seem to smoke so bad at
the starting line.  I've installed a quite smog-illegal PCV catch can system
on my car so I never smoke any more, but all the rest of the guys were
getting lots of smoke from oil picked up in that sharp 160 degree right


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