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BA-AUTOX: Administrivia

Subject: BA-AUTOX: Administrivia
From: Josh Sirota <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 07:06:15 -0800

The changeover is official -- is no longer the hosting
machine for the ba-autox list.  It is now handled directly by Mark
Bradakis and his machine.

What does this mean for you?

Theoretically, nothing.

Continue to use for submissions to this list. 
To add or remove yourself from the list, continue to use or

Do not send any mail for this list to any address at -- but
you weren't doing that before, were you?

The machine hosts a huge number of automotive-related
mailing lists.  See for details.  From time to time,
Mark may send mail out to you asking for help with maintenance of this
machine.  He has provided this service, and a huge amount of his time,
to host these lists.  Please thank him appropriately.

And Mark, a big thanks from me.  This offloads a large amount of work
for me that I simply haven't been able to keep up with.  Thanks for all
of this effort for the last 10 years or so.

To you subscribers, please let me know if you have any troubles.  It's
possible that some of you will receive this message who thought you
unsubscribed in the last couple of days.  If you are one of these
people, please accept my apologies and unsubscribe again.  If you know
someone who added themselves to the last in the last couple of days and
now doesn't receive mail, please tell him/her what happened and that
they should re-add themselves.

Have fun!


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