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Pylon for September

To: "BayArea Team.Net" <ba-autox@Autox.Team.Net>,
Subject: Pylon for September
From: John Kelly <>
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2004 15:19:41 -0500
The September 2004 edition of North American Pylon is now being received by
subscribers across the country. We've gotten behind before but we will
catch up on our publication dates. Promise.

        We have 44 pages with 4-color on the cover and inside center pages.
So go buy a CG Lock.
        The cover shows Mike Maier's CP Mustang crossing the finish line on
his winning run. 
        We show complete results. Missing this year is a summation of
Protests and their disposition. The information is not yet available from
the SCCA's National office.
        Our lead story fills almost the entire publication. It starts off
with Chuck Sample setting FTD in George Bowland's A Modified car. 
        Also, we have a season wrap-up on the Touring Mazda Rev-It-Up
Series held at Laguna Seca in Monterey, CA, and won by Mark Daddio. Last
year he won a new Mazda 6. This year he won a new Mazda 3. Whether Mazda
will renew the program in 2005 is an unknown.
        Tom Berry won the Pro Solo finale at Topeka, KS.
        Sadly we must report the death of three-time D Prepared winner
Chris Lindberg. He suffered a heart attack in his sleep in his Farmington
Hills, MI, home after helping his fiance Paula Whitney move in. 
        We have a report on the Reno, NV, SCCA NorPac Divisional.
        A news item reveals SCCA is cancelling its Pro Rally series, both
National and Club versions.
                Pat Kelly reveals your editor suffered food poisoning after
eating dinner in a North Platte, NE, restaurant.
                Editor John Kelly's column congratulates Sandi Brown-Wood
(Miz Brown) for her seamless administration of the 2004 Solo II Nationals.
                Lorenzo the Scribe's column is a repeat from the previous
month, a victim of a computer glitch and human error which saw the new
heading picked up and the old column placed under it. Sigh.
                Warren Leveque reveals the late Colin Chapman, designer of
things labeled Lotus,
once claimed he could make a barn go fast with sufficient cubic inches.
                Abner Perney visits London Bridge in a Scion xB. And he
finds the Solo II Nationals are really hard on an average driver's ego.

        Pylon at $3 is available at Tower Records. Located in many major
cities nationwide. It's also available at many specialty news stands.
        Subscriptions are $24 for 12 monthly issues. The Canadian price is
$27.50 in U.S. funds on a U.S bank.

        Send your check or money order to:
                North American Pylon
                P.O. Box 1203
                Pleasanton, CA 94566-0120

or, Call 1-800-58-KELLY during 9-5 PST business hours and charge the $24
fee ($27.50 Canadian) to your MasterCard, Visa, or American Express. 

--John Kelly
editor and publisher
North American Pylon

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