You are contradicting yourself.
First you expressed that your original
post was about "qualifying" for Nationals
and the need for experience. But in the
next paragraph you indicate that
"previous/subsequent motorsports activity"
experience doesn't count. I am confused.
I guess in your view, Neal Sapp and Jeff
Altenburg shouldn't run since they have
"left" the sport." (Neal did run in DC, I
think, I did see him walking the course
on Friday)
Matt Murray
----- Original Message -----
From: "Hugh Barber" <>
> My thought was, the SCCA Runoffs represent a
> culmination of a season of hard work. Only the best from each
division get
> to go. So even the guy/gal who finishes last in his/her
respective race
> knows that irrespective of the finishing order, every
competitor in the race
> is a cut above all the other National racers who did not even
qualify. I
> then attempted to transfer that same paradigm to the SoloII
> saying that I thought that only the best should get to go to
that event.
> The
> remark about Tim and the BMW guys sprung from that. To be
precise, I said
> that I thought the BMW guys didn't belong there, not Tim. My
reasoning (at
> the time) was that GRM should not be hijacking the SCCA
Nationals into a
> personal corporate shmooz event and that the Beemer guys did
not represent
> serious, committed SoloII'ers. (irrespective of whether they
are "great
> guys" or their previous/subsequent motorsports activity).
> Hugh Barber
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