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Re: 160hp corolla

To: <>
Subject: Re: 160hp corolla
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 00:35:58 -0500
----- Original Message -----
> I use 4 throttle body because it look NICE
> and sound is great!
> Taka Aono
And there you have the single best reason to do any mod to your car.
Because you want to.

That, and the chicks really dig it!  ;^)

Eric (I almost wrote babes) Linnhoff in KC
"Water's wet, the sky is blue and old Satan Claus Jimmy, he's out there and
he's just gettin' stronger."
"So what do we do about that?"
"Be prepared son that's my motto, be prepared"

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