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NOTICE: SEDiv Solo2 Mailing List

To: (Evolution Discussion),
Subject: NOTICE: SEDiv Solo2 Mailing List
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 23:29:48 EDT
IMPORTANT NOTICE: SEDiv Solo2 Mailing List

Following the Evolution SEDiv Solo2 event at Gainesville Raceway on June 22 - 
23, 2002 the general mailing of future SEDiv Solo2 event flyers will be 
discontinued.  The current cost of producing & mailing the event flyer is 
running around $700 per event, or approx. $1.16 per flyer.  Of those that are 
mailed, we usually get 50 - 70 returned per event due to address changes etc. 
 We also have many names on the list that never seem to attend an event.  

Keeping such a large mailing list current with relevant names/addresses is a 
major undertaking for a volunteer staff.  We now provide all the flyer 
information in a downloadable format on our dedicated website.  We currently 
have almost 135 entries who pre-registered online for the Gainesville event 
before the flyer has been mailed out, so it is clear the general flyer 
mailing is an unnecessary expense in this internet information era.

However, we will provide a method for members to specifically request that 
SEDiv Solo2 event flyers be mailed to them.  A letter is being sent out to 
each SEDiv Region with the request that it be printed in the regional 
newsletter.  It will state that anyone who would like to receive a flyer in 
the mail must submit a request along with their current address, either by 
mail to the SEDiv Solo2 Steward or online at our website.  This request will 
be made at the start of each new season.  Only those SEDiv members who submit 
and renew their requests will receive SEDiv Solo2 event flyers by mail.  
Otherwise, the flyer will only be provided on our website:

We appreciate your support on this matter.

Mark Sipe
SEDiv Solo2 Steward

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