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Re: Solo on TV

Subject: Re: Solo on TV
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 11:21:26 EST
OK, my curiosity has finally gotten the best of me.....

To those who are certain that we can and should get Solo on TV, what
do you see as the benefits (direct or otherwise) from accomplishing
that goal?  Benefits to the SCCA, to your local club, to yourself, to the
Solo community as a whole?

This topic continues to come up for discussion again and again, and no
one ever gets past the argument over initial costs and who might foot
the bill.  What's our motivation for doing this?  Has anyone thought far
enough ahead to consider what the unintended consequences of
large-scale public exposure to our sport *could* mean to its future, and
what that future might look like?  Bob Tunnell and Rich Fletcher both
addressed this point briefly in their posts from a year or more ago, but
every discussion since has completely ignored their comments, IMO.

I have no intention of taking sides in the discussion, it simply puzzles
me that everyone advocating putting Solo on TV seems to assume that
nothing but good things would come out of it.


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