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Re: "P" rules

Subject: Re: "P" rules
From: Mike Smith <>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 10:15:14 -0500
I think the both of ya are on opposite ends of the same stick...

To me, the GCR statement in the SoloII rules only requires the minimum 
required equipment necessary for a GT-1 prepped car. Period. The car need 
not have ever stepped a wheel onto a road race course, needs no log, etc... 
Solo II allows the removal of the fire supression system, and The GCR 
itself has only slightly more specific outline for the roll-cage than the 
SoloII book does, which is none since Solo doesn't require one at all 
unless the car is open. Combine that with the fact that most P cars already 
have fuel cells, and run plastic windows, those become common denominators.

Mark - the GT-1 weight penalty is a Solo II rule, not a GCR rule. It's a 
penalty for running a GT-1 car. The added weight is supposed to make sure 
the GT-1 cars are level with the Production-based Prepared cars. It's 
supposed to be over and above what the GCR requires. (you already know what 
I think about that "parity")

Rocky, currently, in P (CP to be more specific), Mark is correct about 
engine setback, and I'd like to add Mustang crossmembers. EITHER of those 
will get you the 10% "in excess" penalty even though a car with either of 
those mods alone would not be fully GT-1 legal.

The point is, that either of those mods is LEGAL in the GCR, on a 
standalone basis. I think that's why the book says "up to"... It means you 
can do some of it,  or all of it, but any of it gets you the 10% penalty.

CP 58

At 09:37 AM 12/19/2001 Wednesday, you wrote:
>On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Rocky Entriken wrote:
> > Also, since I am GCR I believe I have to meet GCR weight, which for my car
> > is 1680 with driver, as opposed to the Solo rulebook weight, which is 1405
> > without driver. Trust me, I may be overweight but I'm not 275 pounds! Much
> > of that increase is due to newer cage rules (I have to have an 8-point cage
> > now). However, this is also one I believe I could sneak past tech really
> > easily if I wanted to.
>Wow, I _really_ don't think that's correct.  If it was, I could run a
>"real" GT1 camaro in CP at the GT1 weight (which is like what, 2.4k lbs?).
>I know that's not allowed...
> > The weight penalty is only for items for which, if prepared stricltly 
> to the
> > Solo rules, would still incur the penalty. An example is given in 
> 15.11.B --
> > fuel injection modifications. If you have fuel injection and you modify it,
> > you must take the penalty even if it is basically legal in GCR. Prepare to
> > the Solo II rules and modify the injection, you still take the penalty.
> > OTOH, if you have injection in your GCR car and do NOT modify it, you 
> do NOT
> > take the penalty. It's a modification penalty, not a GCR penalty.
>No (IMHO obviously).  For instance, there is no way via the existing
>soloII rules to run a motor setback in CP.  The only way you can do this
>is via the "in excess" part of the prepared rules that lets you run
>to GT specs for a 10% weight penalty that we're talking about.
> > > That may be the intent, but if so the rules state it pretty poorly.
> > > There's smart guys on the PAC, I think if they wanted only what you
> > > describe the rules would clearly say that.
> >
> > I agree the rules state it poorly. However, it wasn't the PAC that 
> wrote the
> > rule. The rule existed pre-PAC.
>Well, I'll agree that the rules state it poorly _if_ that's the intent.
>On the other hand, if the intent is to provide other avenues of
>modification, the rules state it just fine, you just have to read what's
>there vs. put outside assumptions on it.
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